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Classic pointe shoes, give the ballerina strong support for advanced en-pointe elements SIZE CHART
DISCONTINUED, SPECIAL ORDER ONLY Classic pointe shoes, give the ballerina strong support SIZE CHART
This model is recommended for dancers who like the original «Nova» model, but want a quieter and more flexible shoes. SIZE CHART
NOVA represents the evolution of the most popular model: 3007. Classic shank for dancers, who work a lot en-pointe SIZE CHART
VEGAN pointe shoes. NOVA represents the evolution of the most popular model: 3007. SIZE CHART
Innovative construction of insole makes this pointe shoes durable, light and flexible at the same time SIZE CHART
PREPARATORY POINTE SHOES. 2 STEP - ALICE ( from 10 years up/1st ballet class) SIZE CHART
Innovative pointe shoes with unique construction, maximum comfort, long lifespan and eco-friendly pointe shoes SIZE CHART
DISCONTINUED, SPECIAL ORDER ONLY SuperTriumph is innovative model that gives flexibility and resilient support. SIZE CHART
Classic pointe shoes, give the ballerina strong support for advanced en-pointe elements. SIZE CHART
Fusion of professional contemporary design, unparalleled quality and functionality. SIZE CHART
100% cotton fabric
Merino wool full length legwarmers. SIZE CHART
Short leg warmers 23.62” SIZE CHART
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