Three Column Layout

Nikolay Resistance Bands

Key Features:

Pack of Four Resistance Levels

Light - Dusty Pink:
1500 x 150 x 0.35 mm

Medium – Dusty Lavender:
1500 x 150 x 0.45 mm

Heavy - Dusty Mint:
1500 x 150 x 0.55 mm

Extra Heavy – Light Grey:
1500 x 150 x 0.65 mm

Loop Resistance Bands

Nikolay Resistance Bands are an indispensable tool for dancers of all ages and experience levels. Whether you are looking to enhance your flexibility, build muscle strength, or rehabilitate injuries, these bands offer the perfect solution. The distinctive colors and resistance levels allow for easy identification and progression in your training regimen.

These bands are made from premium-quality latex, ensuring durability and excellent elasticity. Their ideal length and width provide ample room for a wide range of movements, making them suitable for exercises targeting different muscle groups.

Use the Light Dusty Pink band for gentle stretching and recovery, Medium Dusty Lavender for moderate resistance exercises, Heavy Dusty Mint for more challenging strength training, and Extra Heavy Light Grey for maximal resistance and muscle-building routines.

With this convenient pack of four, you’ll have all the resistance levels you need to support every stage of your training journey.


Resistance Band Foot Flex and Point:
- Sit on the floor with your legs extended.
- Loop the Light or Medium band around the ball of one foot, holding the ends in your hands.
- Flex your foot (toes toward you) and then point your toes (toes away), working against the resistance.

Theraband Dégagé:
- Loop the band under the ball of your foot while standing.
- Perform dégagés to the front, side, and back with resistance.

Bended Tendus
- Loop the band under your foot and hold the ends in your hands.
- Perform tendus to the front, side, and back, ensuring full articulation of the foot.


Band-Assisted Battement:
- Loop the Heavy or Extra Heavy band around both ankles.
- Perform grand battements to the front, side, and back, working against the resistance.

Ballet Squats:
- Place the band above your knees.
- Perform pliés or squats, focusing on keeping your knees aligned with your toes.


Seated Abductions:
- Sit with the band around your thighs.
- Open your legs outward, using the band for resistance, then return to the starting position.

Plank Leg Lifts:
- Get into a plank position with the band around your thighs.
- Lift one leg at a time, maintaining a straight plank position.


Banded Rows:
- Wrap the band around a sturdy object at chest height.
- Hold the ends of the band and pull towards your chest, squeezing your shoulder blades together.

Port de Bras with Resistance:
- Stand on the band with one foot and hold the other end with your hand.
- Perform port de bras movements, focusing on smooth, controlled motions.


Banded Hamstring Stretch:
- Lie on your back and loop the band around the ball of one foot.
- Gently pull your leg towards you, keeping it straight to stretch your hamstring.

Hip Flexor Stretch:
- Loop the band around your foot and gently pull your knee towards your chest to stretch your hip flexors.

Seated Forward Bend:
- Sit on the floor with your legs extended.
- Loop the band around the balls of both feet and gently pull yourself forward, reaching for your toes.

Standing Quad Stretch:
- Stand with one foot anchored in the band.
- Bend the knee of the banded leg and pull your heel towards your glutes, using the band to enhance the stretch.

Overhead Shoulder Stretch:
- Stand or sit with the band held behind your back, one hand holding the end above your shoulder and the other hand holding the end behind your lower back.
- Gently pull on the band to stretch your shoulder.

Side Stretch:
- Stand with the band held overhead.
- Lean to one side, using the band to gently pull and stretch the side of your torso.